Monday, June 28, 2010


Howdy Folks!

This is the Wyoming we had expected. The temperature has climbed to the high 80’s and we’ve started to dry out.

Heart Mountain Cowboy Church in Powell was held in a barn and, for the very first time, there were horses in the stalls during the service. Four young adults and an older couple from Powell joined the regulars and we had a great service. I think the horses even enjoyed it. The pastor was quite happy and we are praying that this might be the jumpstart he needed to get the church off the ground.

We spent an extra day in Lovell and I was able to replace the skylight on the trailer. We are still waiting for the roof vent, but I have managed to tape over the holes and it doesn’t leak. After a short drive we arrived in Greybull, WY, and set up our trailer behind the church. Grace Southern Baptist Church was founded in 1954 but is still a small flock congregation. They have been without a pastor since September 2009, and were in the process of calling a new pastor. I was asked to take both the morning and evening service, which I was happy to do. The morning service was quite well attended and folks enjoyed the Gospel music and cowboy poetry. Visitors from several other churches in Greybull came out for the evening service and we had a good time sharing the Gospel and enjoying their fellowship.

We’ll spend a couple of days in Greybull before moving on down the trail to Ten Sleep. After four weeks on the road, there’s a pile of laundry to be washed and general maintenance of the trailer to be done. The church has provided us with access to their mission house, and we’ll take advantage of their generosity.

Our time in Greybull has been uplifting. The genuine acceptance of our ministry has encouraged us to continue the work the Lord has given us to do. As we look back on the last four weeks, we are overwhelmed by the reception we have received from the Southern Baptist churches in Montana and Wyoming. Although we experienced some hail damage to the truck and trailer, the Lord has remained faithful and we are looking forward to what ever He has in store for us as we continue our tour.

On the trail for Him,

Mike & Suzann

Monday, June 21, 2010


Howdy Folks!

What a week this has been! On the 16th of June a hailstorm rolled through Columbus, MT. Hail stones the size of golf balls took out the roof vents on the trailer, broke the mirrors and pitted the hood on the pickup. All in all it was a pretty wild night and we are thankful that the damage was not more extensive. Next, when we arrived in Lovell, WY, they had a heavy rainstorm the night before. Parking the trailer was a nightmare because of all the standing water and mud in the church parking lot. It seems we are traveling during a very active weather system. Please pray that the Lord keeps us safe as we continue our tour in Wyoming.

Now for some good news. We were able to set up our trailer and meet with the pastor, Mike McKnight, of Faith Southern Baptist Church in Lovell. This is an older church with a declining congregation. Pastor Mike has suffered eight heart attacks and is limited in his physical activity. Although there were no visitors at the service, we had a great time fellowshipping with the congregation, as well as the pastor and his wife. More and more we are finding that we can be a tremendous blessing and source of encouragement to these small congregations.

Pastor Mike has started a cowboy church in Powell, WY, which we will visit on Tuesday night. We are looking forward to worshiping with the ranchers, farmers, and, of course the cowboys in the area. After the cowboy church we travel to Grey Bull, WY. The church is without a pastor and we will be filling in for the morning worship service. Since this is also cowboy country, we are looking forward to meeting and worshiping with these folks.

Your prayers continue to be vital to our ministry, as we share our songs, poems, and testimony as the Lord leads and open doors. It’s comforting to know we have folks praying for us, especially during a hailstorm or tornado watch.

On the trail for Him,

Mike and Suzann

Monday, June 14, 2010


Howdy folks;

We left Townsend in sunshine and arrived in White Sulphur Springs in a heavy rainstorm. That night the temperature dropped and it snowed. The mountain peaks we see from the RV park were covered with snow. The rain lasted for another three days and then we were back in sunshine again. Montana weather seems to be same as that in Cochrane. It’s a good thing we brought along the right clothes for all the changes in the weather.

The owners of the Conestoga RV Park in White Sulphur Springs are Christian friends and I was able to exchange some product and a couple of evenings entertaining the campers for our park rent. Having a full hookup has made our stay here more comfortable and sure beats a WalMart or church parking lot.

Both the morning service and the evening concert at the Mountainview Community Church were very well attended. There was a good mix of church members, folks from the town, and campers from the RV Park. The church only seats 75 people and averages about 30 people each week. To see the church nearly full was a great encouragement to the pastor and his wife. Suzann and I have had a long association with this church. Five years ago, when we first came to White Sulphur Springs, they had no pastor and were ready to close the doors as the congregation had dwindled to 5 people. About 30 people attended our first concert in the church and, over the years they have managed to retain many of them. Now they have a pastor and the church is growing and has a positive influence in the community.

We will be leaving White Sulphur Springs for Lovell, WY, and will be breaking new ground with our ministry. For the next 4 weeks we will be sharing our songs and poems for the first time in all the remaining churches on our Wyoming tour. Many of these churches do not have pastors or have just called a pastor. Our prayer is that we can be a blessing to the folks in these congregations and, particularly, to the individuals who are striving to keep the doors of their churches open.

Thanks for your faithfulness in praying for us as we travel. Ours is not a typical Gospel music ministry, as we target small rural churches. We’re thankful for the many doors that have opened and for the privilege to serve in this way. We would also encourage you to pray for each of the churches on our tour schedule. Together, we can make an impact for Jesus in Montana and Wyoming.

On the trail for Him,

Mike & Suzann

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Howdy folks;

Well, the tour has started with a bang! For two days, I performed at the Cowboy Entertainer Gathering in Townsend, MT. It was good to be back at the Townsend Gathering after an absence of two years. There were old friends to great and new friends to meet. The caliber of the western music performers at this gathering was top notch and I got to perform with a number of them. The old bass got quite a workout and I even played the harmonica. As a featured performer on the Friday night show, I was able to share several of my original songs. All in all, it was a great event and one not to be missed.

The highpoint of the weekend for us, however, was the Cowboy Church service at the Elkhorn Community Fellowship. This was the first service in the church since it was closed over two years ago. A young church planter and his wife, Eric and Jessica Crusch, are working hard to relaunch the church in Townsend. We also enjoyed the company of Baptist folks from Louisiana, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia. They had come to work on the church building. It had fallen into disrepair and needed sprucing up. It is likely that Eric and Jessica will start to hold regular Sunday services while they continue to work in the community to reestablish this work in Townsend.

In reflecting on the weekend, it certainly confirmed the work that the Lord has called us to do. Throughout the western states there are many small communities with small churches and new works that need encouragement. If we can be a source of that encouragement and be of some help to them, then our labour has not been in vain.

Please pray for the Elkhorn Community Fellowship in Townsend that they will be able to keep the doors open and that the Lord’s work will prosper. As we continue our tour, pray for Suzann and I that we will be able to reach out to folks with the Gospel message and encourage believers in their walk with Christ.

On the trail for Him,

Mike and Suzann