Tuesday, May 29, 2007

On To Nebraska

Since I last wrote and entry, we have traveled from Montana to Nebraska via Wyoming and Kansas. Before we left White Sulphur Springs, MT, in addition to our scheduled concerts, we had a gospel sing at the RV Park and the local senior's home. The opportunities to get involved in these community activities gives us the chance to share our witness with a larger audience.

The festival in Cedar, Kansas, was a steller event. Performers from as far south as Texas, picked and sang for three days and long into the night. We quickly made some new friends and received invitations to visit their churches on our next tour. Cowboy Church was organized by the folks from the Cedar Community Church. During the service, there were several opportunities to present the gospel in song and poem. This is the reason we're "on the trail" and we thank the Lord that are able to serve in this way.

We're now parked in Stromsburg, Nebraska, getting organized to the last leg of our tour. Now that we are headed north, we are looking forward to being home and fellowshipping with our friends. This has been a very full tour and we are well aware of the prayerful support undergirding our ministry.

Keep praying!

Mike and Suzann

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