Monday, September 10, 2007

News From Rock Springs, Wyoming

Howdy folks!

Looks like we've about turned the corner on this tour and are slowly heading home. Seems like it was only yesterday that we left Cochrane and now it's time to turn the outfit north. We've met some wonderful folks, enjoyed the Christian fellowship, rejoiced in the Lord's handiwork and received more blessings than we can count. God is sure good!

The services at Emmanuel Baptist in Rock Springs, WY, surpassed all our expectations. Both services (8:30 and 11:00 a.m.) were full, as the church folk came out in number to support our ministry. Because we did not have to rush away after the services, we had time to visit and share our witness. In all, it was a very enjoyable time and, Suzann and I felt blessed to have had the opportunity to minister to these folks.

We head for Green River, WY, and the Circle C Cowboy Church later this week. This is a new work and we are looking forward to sharing with these folks. There is a high degree of anticipation about our coming and we are praying that this will be an outreach event to bring new people into the church. Join us in prayer and let's expect great things from God!

For the rest of this tour, we will be ministering at churches for the first time. While return visits are always nice and comfortable, it's exciting to plow new ground. Everywhere we travel, folks respond enthusiastically to the old hymns, gospel songs and cowboy poetry. Keep us in your prayers!

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann

1 comment:

LaurenYarger said...

Your ministry sounds unique and fun. God bless you!
Lauren Yarger
Masterwork Productions, Inc.