Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Keepin' Busy

Howdy folks!

Finally, we're getting caught up with the work around the house. The yard is cleaned up for the winter and all the outdoor furniture has been put away until next year. Why, we've even started painting the inside of the house. I know it won't be finished by Christmas, but it's a good start. So, things are sure shaping up around the old home place.

We've integrated back into Cambrian Heights, our home church. Singing and playing with the worship teams and helping out wherever and whenever we can. It's sure good to be back on familiar range. Over the winter, we try to stay close to Cochrane with the ministry. This month (November) we will be presenting special music at the Clearwater Cowboy Church, Caroline, Alberta, anniversary service. Also, we've been invited to present a program of cowboy gospel music and poetry at the cowboy church in St. Albert, Alberta.

Our 2008 tours are now in the works. We've had contact with a number of pastors in the U.S. and, continue to look to the Lord to open the doors for the ministry. Pray with us that His will be done in our lives.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann

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