Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Howdy folks!

"How do you manage to keep busy, now that you're retired?" I don't know how many times I've been asked that question but, the answer is always the same. First, Songs of Faith Ministries requires a lot of time to schedule tours, plan programs and concerts, learn new songs and write gospel poems. Lately, I've been writing a book of cowboy poetry that I expect to publish in the summer. It's been a steep learning curve, as I wander through the minefield of the publishing business. Finally, there's our local church, Cambrian Heights Baptist Church, that keeps us grounded in the Word and prayerfully continues to support our Ministry. Somethimes, I think I should go back to work, just to get a rest!

For those of you who follow our travels, we'll be heading out to Idaho in April. In addition to ministering in several churches, including a new cowboy church in McCammon, we'll be participating in the annual St. Anthony Cowboy Poetry Gathering. I've been nominated for the 2008 Golden Note Award and, win or lose, I certainly appreciate this recognition by the members of the Cowboy Poets of Idaho.

Well, daylight saving time, Easter and the gophers came early this year. Suzann is getting eager to get on the road with the trailer. MacDuff is going to get his spring hair cut. As for me, I'm just trying to keep "all the balls in the air," as I juggle my life in retirement.

On the trail for Him,

Mike and Suzann Burns

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