Saturday, April 23, 2011


Howdy folks,

In ancient times, the cornerstone referred to the foundation stone, the first placed, which was secure and set the angles for the rest of the building. It was the visible corner of the foundation of the building and the starting point of all future building above the foundation. It was also the largest and most costly stone because of its beauty and strength, as well as the most solid and carefully constructed stone. The cornerstone was the place where the building was joined and also supported the major portion of the superstructure. To cast aside the cornerstone would be to resist any future building on that foundation.

The metaphor of a cornerstone as a foundation is found in Isaiah 28:16 in reference to the person and work of the Messianic Redeemer: “Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation.” In the New Testament, Peter uses the metaphor of the cornerstone to refer to Jesus. In 1 Peter 2:7 we read, “The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.” Given the context in which this verse is found, I believe Peter was elaborating on Jesus as the foundation upon which God has promised to build the church. “For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 3:11).” By comparing believers to “living stones” and placing them in relationship to the cornerstone (1 Peter 2:5), Peter has completed the metaphor. First, we rest on Christ as a building rests on its foundation. Second, we relate to every other believer as the stones of a building under construction relate to one another. The meaning is clear we need each other, should support each other, and must work together to build the church in the world.

However, there is another contemporary lesson to be learned. Like the cornerstone that was rejected by the builders, many will not repent of their sins and accept the complete lordship of Jesus Christ in their lives. What they fail to realize is that this offer is the only choice they have that will give them genuine salvation from their sins. Rejection of Jesus Christ does not make us free from God’s judgment and punishment. As surely as those who choose God will receive eternal life, so those who reject Him will be judged to destruction. Both are guaranteed to receive the consequences of their choices.

The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord;
She is His new creation by water and the word:
From Heav’n He came and sought her to be His holy bride;
With His own blood He bought her, and for her life He died. ----Stone

On the trail for Him

Mike and Suzann

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