Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Keepin' Busy

Howdy folks!

Finally, we're getting caught up with the work around the house. The yard is cleaned up for the winter and all the outdoor furniture has been put away until next year. Why, we've even started painting the inside of the house. I know it won't be finished by Christmas, but it's a good start. So, things are sure shaping up around the old home place.

We've integrated back into Cambrian Heights, our home church. Singing and playing with the worship teams and helping out wherever and whenever we can. It's sure good to be back on familiar range. Over the winter, we try to stay close to Cochrane with the ministry. This month (November) we will be presenting special music at the Clearwater Cowboy Church, Caroline, Alberta, anniversary service. Also, we've been invited to present a program of cowboy gospel music and poetry at the cowboy church in St. Albert, Alberta.

Our 2008 tours are now in the works. We've had contact with a number of pastors in the U.S. and, continue to look to the Lord to open the doors for the ministry. Pray with us that His will be done in our lives.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann

Monday, November 5, 2007

From the Home Office

Howdy folks;

It's been a couple of weeks since my last entry. Today I'm sitting in the home office looking out the window at the first snowfall of the season. The sun is shining on the mountains, which are white with snow. What a beautiful sight. In the past weeks, we've been to Winnipeg to celebrate my brother's 60th birthday. We also made time to visit with some friends in Regina. Now, it's back to work putting the 2008 program together. I need to learn some new songs and write some new cowboy poems. Keep praying for Songs of Faith as we book our schedule for next year.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann Burns

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Howdy folks!

Now that we’re back in Cochrane, I thought I’d review the “toings and froings” of Songs of Faith Ministries during 2007.

It has been an incredible year. We’ve had some really great opportunities to minister. Our travels have taken us to cowboy poetry gatherings, churches and concerts in Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Nebraska, Kansas and Saskatchewan. We’ve also had opportunities to sing at RV parks, school assemblies and senior centres in some of these states. So, we’ve seen a lot of country.

Our ministry has expanded beyond cowboy poetry gatherings and special music presentations this year. We have begun to present full cowboy gospel concerts as outreach events for local churches. Folks who attend these concerts, sing the old gospel hymns and songs and hear cowboy gospel poetry. Without exception, the response has been positive. I guess there is a little bit of cowboy in everyone.

We’re looking forward to spending time at home and, worshiping in our home church after so many weeks away. Thank you to so many of you for your prayers as we traveled this year.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann Burns

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Back Home Again

Howdy folks!

The past two weeks have been very busy. Our stay in Salmon, ID, was a real blessing. Sunday morning we presented some special music and cowboy gospel poetry at the Salmon Valley Baptist Church. We had a great time worshiping and fellowshiping with the folks in the congregation. That evening we drove to the Lemhi River Cowboy Church in Lemhi, ID, for a Mexican potluck supper and a cowboy church service. The Lemhi Grange Hall serves as the location for the church and is an ideal venue. Farmers, ranchers, cowboys and, even a few town folks packed the the hall for the service. The old hymns, gospel songs and cowboy poetry seemed to find resonance in this setting. What a way to end our fall tour and, what a special blessing for Suzann and I.

We were able to spend a few days in Salmon, before heading to Dillon, MT, for their annual Cowboy Poetry Rendezvous. The Salmon Valley Baptist Church has a parking spot for trailers, including a sewer hookup and we were quite comfortable during our stay. At the Dillon Gathering, in addition to the regular day time shows, I was able to perform in the evening shows and conduct the cowboy church service on Sunday morning. This is a real cowboy gathering and we were able to catch up with old friends and make new ones. As the gathering ended, we looked forward to being back in Cochrane and with our friends at Cambrian Heights Baptist Church in Calgary.

Coming off the trail is always hard, but we've looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us in 2008. We have made many contacts and can hardly wait for the Lord to open new doors for our ministry. As we close out this tour, we are reminded that a lot of folks are praying for us. There is no doubt in our minds that this is why we stay safe on the road and have all of our needs met. Please, continue to pray that the Lord will direct our paths and keep us on the trail for His Glory.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Back In Idaho

Howdy folks!

Well, we're back in Idaho and cooler temperatures. Fall has arrived in the mountains. We've been busy. Although we only traveled a short distance from Green River, WY, with the mid-week service in Rock Springs, WY, it made for a full week.

Although the Circle C Cowboy Church in Rock Springs is struggling, there is a good group of folks on which to grow the work in the future. We parked the trailer by the pastor's house and had an opportunity to share our experience with cowboy churches and, hopefully, offer some positive feedback of encouragement. Of late, this interaction with pastors is becoming a very important part of our ministry.

After Rock Springs, it was on to Downey, ID, and the Marsh Valley Bible Church. While our stay in Downey was short, we were able to visit with the pastor and his family. There are a number of small works in this part of Idaho and, most are looking for pastors. Join us in praying that the Lord will raise up workers for these churches. Sunday morning service was well attended and, we even met up with some folks who had been to our concerts in the past. Now that there are "groupies", the pressure is on to learn some new songs and write a few more cowboy poems. That will have to be my winter project.

For the next few days, we will be parked in Shelley, ID, and, then it's off to Salmon, ID, for two cowboy gospel services. Then the tour will be nearly over and, it will be time to head home. Thanks to all of you who have been praying for us, while we've been on the trail. The Lord willing, we hope to able to share our stories with you when next we meet.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann

Monday, September 10, 2007

News From Rock Springs, Wyoming

Howdy folks!

Looks like we've about turned the corner on this tour and are slowly heading home. Seems like it was only yesterday that we left Cochrane and now it's time to turn the outfit north. We've met some wonderful folks, enjoyed the Christian fellowship, rejoiced in the Lord's handiwork and received more blessings than we can count. God is sure good!

The services at Emmanuel Baptist in Rock Springs, WY, surpassed all our expectations. Both services (8:30 and 11:00 a.m.) were full, as the church folk came out in number to support our ministry. Because we did not have to rush away after the services, we had time to visit and share our witness. In all, it was a very enjoyable time and, Suzann and I felt blessed to have had the opportunity to minister to these folks.

We head for Green River, WY, and the Circle C Cowboy Church later this week. This is a new work and we are looking forward to sharing with these folks. There is a high degree of anticipation about our coming and we are praying that this will be an outreach event to bring new people into the church. Join us in prayer and let's expect great things from God!

For the rest of this tour, we will be ministering at churches for the first time. While return visits are always nice and comfortable, it's exciting to plow new ground. Everywhere we travel, folks respond enthusiastically to the old hymns, gospel songs and cowboy poetry. Keep us in your prayers!

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Cookin' In Wyoming

Howdy folks!

For the last week we have been cookin' in 90 degree weather here in Lander. The good news is that it cools down at night, which makes for good sleeping weather. The air conditioner has been working overtime. With little rain (I think a few drops fell last Friday), it sure is a dry country.

The cowboy gospel concert at the Warm Valley Baptist Church in Pavillion, WY, was a real family affair. Folks from the community and surrounding area gathered for the concert at 6 p.m. and stayed for a full course roast beef supper after the concert. The church building is made of logs and the interior is all knotty pine. Why, they even have a rack by the front door for all the cowboy hats. The church has grown since last year and, we enjoyed catching up with how the Lord has been working. A hilight this year was the vacation bible school, where 14 young people accepted the Lord as their personal Saviour. Pavillion only has a population of 126, but God has raised up a strong witness in that community.

We had planned to move on the Rock Springs, WY, early this week but there were no spots open in the RV parks. Wyoming is like Alberta in terms of the oil boom, housing is in short supply. As a result, we will stay in Lander until Friday (Sept. 7) and park on the church parking lot for a couple of nights in Rock Springs. Emmanuel Baptist has two services on Sunday morning, so it will be necessary to set up the sound system on Saturday. This will be our first visit to Emmanual and we are looking forward to fellowshiping with these folks.

That's about it for this week. Time is slipping by and we are almost half way through this tour. While it will be good to be home, we are excited about sharing the Gospel message in Idaho and Montana. Your prayers are greatly appreciated as we minister in song and poem, the cowboy way.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Still In Lander, WY

Howdy folks!

Looks like we've settled in to life in the trailer. This week we are parked in Lander, WY. It's central to churches we will visit in this area. So, we plan on staying here until we move to Rock Springs, WY, around September 3rd.

The cowboy concert at the Lander Valley Baptist Church was a real blessing. Since it was our second visit, we had a good time meeting up with folks who had been praying for us over the past year. We were also able to join them for the Sunday morning worship service. I presented some special music and, of course, some of my cowboy wisdom! Seems folks enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and the old hymns and stories. They had the traditional celebration dinner after the service and, we really enjoyed the time of fellowship.

The need in this area is self-evident. Many small communities have no gospel witness. Without question, the cowboy state sure needs more cowboy churches. In my discussions with pastors and church leaders, they all agree with my observations but, are frustrated by the the lack of church planters. Pray for us as we travel about the area and, please pray that the Lord will raise up workers to meet the need in the cowboy state.

As we start the third week of our tour, we are ever remindful of God's blessings. Each door He opens is an adventure, as we follow the trail He has set before us. Keep us in your prayers!

On the trail,

Mike and Suyzann

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

From the Wyoming Front

Howdy Folks;
We've been on the trail now for a week and, it seems like had never been home. Life in the trailer is sure becoming routine. We took an extra day on the drive to Riverton, WY, and spent a night in Cody, WY. If there was ever a place to have a cowboy church, Cody would be ideal. I planted the seed in the ear of the Director of Missions for that area. He agreed and promised to follow up with the pastor of the local SB church.

The gathering in Riverton was smaller than usual. Because of the gas prices, all of the other performers were from Wyoming. Talk about stress, I had to represent the whole country of Canada.

The cowboy church service at the United Baptist Church in Riverton was very special. I had filled their pulpit for three weeks last year and we had made quite a few friends. Their new pastor is very keen for the Lord and the church has really begun to grow. Needless to say, we had a fun time and as Suzann says, I got too folksy with the congregation. She calls it dygressing but I call it embellishing.

Ww're looking forward to the next few weeks in the Riverton area. Our concert at the Lander Baptist Church in Lander, Wy, is being well advertised and the pastor is excited about the outreach possibilities it presents. We'll also be back at the little log church in Pavillion, WY, and expect to have another foot stompin' good time singing the old gospel songs and hymns.

As we travel, we continue to hear from folks who have been praying for us. What a blessing to know that we have all that prayerful support.

Well, that's it for now. Keep prayin' and we'll keep singin' and preachin'.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann

Monday, August 6, 2007


Howdy Folks!

This will probably be my last posting before we hit the trail again. Our plans are to leave August 14th for Riverton, WY. The annual Wind River Cowboy Poetry Gathering takes place from August 17th to 18th. This will be our third visit in as many years and, we are looking forward to greeting old friends and meeting new ones. The old bass (now called Stella) gets a real workout, but it sure is fun.

While in Riverton, we will minister at several Southern Baptist churches in the area. These will be return visits and we are looking forward to the fellowship with the pastors and the folks in their congregations. Last Sunday, I had a chance to try out my new cowboy poem at Cambrian Heights Baptist Church in Calgary. It was well received and reinforced the need for Christians to reach out to the lost.

Suzann is progressing slowly and more feeling is returning to her right side. Folks have commented that she hasn't lost her sunny disposition. No doubt, her postive attitude will speed up her recovery. Thank you to everyone who prayed for her and we would ask that you continue to pray for her complete recovery.

The time we've been able to spend in Cochrane has been brief but enjoyable. Taking the time to rest between tours was absolutely necessary. But now, we are eager to get back on the road sharing our witness wherever the Lord opens the door.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann Burns

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Howdy Folks;

We've been back in Cochrane for a few weeks and have taken the time to rest and relax before hitting the trail again. As some of you know, Suzann suffered a mini-stroke while we were in Nebraska. She spent a week in the hospital in Calgary undergoing some tests. Fortunately, there was no permanent damage, but it will take several months before she is back to normal. Thanks to all of you who prayed for her recovery.

Since we've been home, I entertained at the stampede breakfast at the Westland Community Church near Cochrane, provided special music anc cowboy gospel poetry at the Ranchland MD Cowboy Church near Longview, Alberta and this Sunday (Aug 5th) will be at our home church, Cambrian Heights Baptist Church in Calgary conducting the morning worship service.

All the available dates for our fall tour are full. We are booked into churches in Wyoming and Idaho and have been invited to Cowboy Poetry Gatherings in Riverton, WY and Dillon, MT. Check out our itinerary on www.songsoffaithministries.com and if you're in the area, drop in to a service. We'd love to see you.

We'll be starting to pack up the trailer for a departure date of August 14th. Pray for our safe travel and, especially, that the Lord will continue to meet our every need.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann Burns

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Back In Canada

Howdy folks!

Well, we're back in Canada and cooler weather! After the heat and humidity of Nebraska, the moderate temperature of Saskatchewan is most welcome. The strange noise I heard last night was our furnace warming up the trailer. Even had to dig out a sweatshirt, when I walked MacDuff this morning.

Our last concert in Burwell, Nebraska, with the gospel quartet, Living Sacrifice, was inspiring and high energy. The mix of music and styles worked very well according to folks in the audience. I interjected some poems and stories into the program and was able to interact with the audience, as well as individual members of the quartet. It was hard to estimate the size of the crowd, as folks stayed in the cars around the edge of the park. We do know that the Gospel was presented and an invitation given.

We're now parked in White City, just outside of Regina, for a few days. On the weekend, we'll move to the Discovery Baptist Church parking lot to set up and get ready fo Sunday. The pastor will be at the CCSB convention in Vancouver, so they've asked for a concert. Interestingly, this will be our first exposure to a Canadian Southern Baptist Church, other than Cambrian Heights of course. As many of you know, we've been praying for the past two years that God would open the doors in Canada, just as He has in the United States. I'm reminded of my song "Just In Time" and, trust that this might be the answer to our prayers. In any case, as long as the Lord leads, we'll keep sharing our witness and the Gospel story, wherever and whenever He opens the door.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann

Monday, June 18, 2007

On The Homeward Trail

Howdy folks!

For those of you who have been following our tour, we are still camped in Stromsburg, NE. During the past week, we used the time to rest and reorganize for the last two weeks of our tour. We also took in the annual Swedish Festival (Stromsburg is the Swede capital of Nebraska) and enjoyed fellowshipping with folks who had been to our concerts in years past. In all, it was a good week and just what we needed to recharge our batteries.

We'll be leaving Stromsburg this week for Burwell, NE. Saturday night (June 23rd), Songs of Faith will be partnering with Living Sacrifice, a southern gospel quartet for a concert in the park. The musical mix should make for an interesting concert. After the concert in Burwell, we head for Regina, Saskatchewan, and the Discovery Baptist Church for a Sunday morning service on July 1st. We are looking forward to worshipping with the congregation before heading home to Cochrane.

Since leaving home in April, the Lord has opened the doors to minister in a variety of places. Without exception, folks have been very receptive to the gospel message, either in song or poem, and invitations to return have been forthcoming wherever we traveled. While we are looking forward to being home, even for a short time, our hearts are on the trail sharing the gospel story, the cowboy way.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann Burns

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hot and Humid in Nebraska

Howdy folks!

I forgot how hot and humid Nebraska can be. Temperatures in the high 80s and humidity in the high 90s all last week. Throw in a few tornado watches and warnings, with wind gusts up to 60 mph and life in a travel trailer gets real exciting. Every morning I'd check to see it the trailer was still where we'd parked it the night before.

Sunday was another busy day, as we traveled to Central City, NE, for two concerts. In the morning, we were at the Grace Lutheran Church and in the evening at the First Christian Church. Both concerts attracted a number of visitors and, we were able to share our witness as folks inquired about our ministry. The old hymns and the cowboy poems sure open up an avenue to present to gospel, wherever we travel.

It doesn't seem possible, but we are already booking churches for our fall tour. Inquiries have come in from Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. It looks like we will have some new opportunities to minister in these states. Each time we step out in faith, we marvel at how the Lord has provided and protected each step of the way. As we start our homeward journey, with stops in Burwell, NE, and Regina, Saskatchewan, we ask for your prayers. Suzann and I are getting a little trail weary, so keep praying for us as we hear for home.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Another Week On the Trail

Howdy folks!
It's hard to believe we've been on the road nearly two months. We've sure put quite a few miles on our outfit and met a lot of great folks. Along the way, we've collected a memory or two and experienced first-hand God's blessing as we shared the Gospel.

Last Sunday, we were in Ericson, Nebraska, a small ranching community and home to the Sandhills Baptist Fellowship. This was our second visit to the church and it was evident that God was blessing this congregation. Their new building is almost debt free and their numbers are growing, howbeit, slowly. As we visit and revisit these small churches, God's handiwork is apparent. Having the opportunity to hear their stories, reinforces our desire to continue this ministry.

We will be able to stay parked in Stormsburg, NE, for the next few weeks and drive to the area churches. Not having to set up the trailer every week will be a welcome relief. We are, however, getting better at planning our itinerary and allowing plenty of time to set up the trailer, as well as the sound system. This also makes touring a lot easier and less stressful!

Well, that's it for this week. Next Sunday we have a "double header" in Central City, NE. We are looking forward to renewing friendships and meeting new folks at both services.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

On To Nebraska

Since I last wrote and entry, we have traveled from Montana to Nebraska via Wyoming and Kansas. Before we left White Sulphur Springs, MT, in addition to our scheduled concerts, we had a gospel sing at the RV Park and the local senior's home. The opportunities to get involved in these community activities gives us the chance to share our witness with a larger audience.

The festival in Cedar, Kansas, was a steller event. Performers from as far south as Texas, picked and sang for three days and long into the night. We quickly made some new friends and received invitations to visit their churches on our next tour. Cowboy Church was organized by the folks from the Cedar Community Church. During the service, there were several opportunities to present the gospel in song and poem. This is the reason we're "on the trail" and we thank the Lord that are able to serve in this way.

We're now parked in Stromsburg, Nebraska, getting organized to the last leg of our tour. Now that we are headed north, we are looking forward to being home and fellowshipping with our friends. This has been a very full tour and we are well aware of the prayerful support undergirding our ministry.

Keep praying!

Mike and Suzann

Monday, May 14, 2007

What A Week We've Had!

Howdy Folks
What a week! Seems like we never stopped 'till the last hymn was sung at cowboy church. Our schedule included teaching 10 music classes to students from grades 1 to 12, participation in 2 school assemblies, day time performances at both evening performances at the Gathering and, of course, cowboy church. In addition to all that, the old stand-up bass got a real workout.

Sitting here in White Sulphur Springs, Montana, it's hard to believe we've already been on the trail for over a month. Sometimes, we've not been sure what will be around the next bend, but we're trusting that the Lord will keep us in the center of the action. Given the past month, it looks like our prayers are sure gonna be answered.

Although we planned on having a rest before heading to Kansas, it looks like the folks at the RV Park and the local nursing home want some entertainment. It's a good thing we brought along our song books for a good old fashioned gospel sing-a-long. These impromptu opportunities to share the Gospel are often hilights of our witness in a community.

The weather is starting to warm up in Montana and, except for our daily wind storm, is quite pleasant. The Lord continues to bless our ministry as we reach out to folks in these small rural communities. So, keep praying.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Movin' On To Montana

Howdy Folks;

Our last weekend in Idaho was very busy! Saturday night we joined forces with a preacher from Texas to present a Gospel concert. Sunday morning found us at the local Southern Baptist Church in Blackfoot, Idaho, to provide some special music. After the service, we packed up the sound system and drove to the Cowboy Church in Firth, Idaho. At the Cowboy Church, I had the opportunity to talk with the organizers concerning their vision for reaching the rural community for Christ. Although the congregation was small, the folks sure could sing and were enthusiastic about their witness for Christ. We left Idaho tired, but rejoicing in the opportunities the Lord had provided to share the Gospel.

The next stop on our tour is White Sulphur Springs, Montana. I'll be teaching the high school kids to write cowboy songs and performing at the Motherin' Up Gathering on the weekend. There'll be a Cowboy Church service on Sunday, pray that the Lord will open up the people's hearts to hear the Gospel through the old hymns and cowboy poems.

As Suann and I visit these small rural churches, we are blessed by the zeal and commitment of these folks. Their love for the Lord is sure evident, as they reach out to their communities with the Gospel message. We covet your prayers, as we extend our ministry to even smaller congregations.

On the trail,
Mike and Suzann

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Magic Valley Memories

Howdy folks,

On the weekend, we drove across Idaho's Magic Valley to the Hagerman Cowboy Poetry Gathering. Folks turned out in good numbers and, by all accounts, it was a great success. I had the opportunity to perform on both Friday and Saturday nights and, to share the stage with some outstanding performers.

The Cowboy Church service after the Gathering was held in the Bliss Community Church, Bliss, Idaho. It is the only church in town (pop.298) and has a strong Gospel witness. I teamed up with Bob Jackson, a Christian cowboy poet from Idaho, to lead the service. It was a real blessing to share out gospel songs and poems with the congregation. Following the Pator's message, several folks responded to his invitation to accept Christ as their personal Saviour.

After nearly three weeks on the road, we now have our "trailer legs", and have adjusted to living in a confined space. Continue to pray for us as we travel. Without the prayers of God's people, our ministry would be in vain.

Until next week,

Mike and Suzann

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Still Singin' and Pickin'

Howdy Folks!
We're starting into our second week and we've already done six performances. Suzann has made it her mission to hand out the cowboy tracts and there are not too many folks get by the product table without getting a few.

The SB church in St. Anthony held a fellowship after the morning service and I presented a short concert of gospel songs and cowboy poems. Hopefully, next year they can organize an outreach event. Now that they know more about our ministry, this is a real possibility.

This weekend we're heading to the Hagerman, Idaho, Cowboy Poets Gathering and a Cowboy Church service at Bliss. It will be the first time for either of these events in the area. Pray, particularly, for the Cowboy Church service as the gospel is presented in song and poem.

On the trail for Jesus,

Mike and Suzann

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Parked and Ready to Go

Howdy folks!

Well, here we are parked in Blackfoot, Idaho. The trip down was uneventful. A lttle windy and cold, but we had good roads all the way.

Our first Sunday was sure busy. The first service was on the Fort Hall Reservation at the Mountain View Baptist Church. These folks sure like to sing the old hymns. I wanted to stop singing and just listen. After the service, we drove about 100 km to the people. We were amazed at the progress of their building program. Nearly 60 people, including some who had never been to the church before, showed up for the service, and it was a grand time of singing and fellowship.

We'll be moving the trailer to St. Anthony for the Cowboy Poetry Gathering on the weekend. This year we hope to be able to participate in a Cowboy Church Service at the local Southern Baptist Church. This will be the first for the Gathering and a wonderful time to share the Gospel.

Please continue to pray for us as we travel. Particularly, that we stay healthy and the the Lord will enable us to continue this ministry for His honour and glory.

On the Trail,

Mike and Suzann Burns

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

On the Cowboy Trail 2007

Howdy Folks!

This is my first blog and, according to my son, I am now a big blogger. Evelyn Marinoski, my webmaster guru, told me to send out a blog before we left in case I was having any trouble. Well, here it is.

We leave tomorrow morning (April 11th) for the start of our tour. Our first services will be in Blackfoot and Moore, Idaho, on Sunday, April 15th. We've been to both of these churches before and are looking forward to being back with these folks. The trailer is nearly packed and ready to go, just a few more groceries and clothes to put in. With the weather, we are going to take more winter clothes just to be on the safe side.

Got a call from Idaho last night telling us that the CDs and tracks have arrived. We ordered another 500 of the cowboy tracks from Ronnie Hill Ministries. Hopefully, that will get us through the first tour.

Well, that's it for my first blog. I have to get busy loading the trailer so that we can leave tomorrow morning. Please pray for us as we start this ministry tour.

Mike and Suzann

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Welcome to Mike & Suzann's Blog!

Mike and Suzann are about to set off on another trip to share the gospel western style. This blog will make it possible for them to keep us updated on their travels and allow us to encourage them along the way too. So come back often to see where they're at, and then add your post of encouragement too!

Evelyn (their webmaster)