Monday, August 6, 2007


Howdy Folks!

This will probably be my last posting before we hit the trail again. Our plans are to leave August 14th for Riverton, WY. The annual Wind River Cowboy Poetry Gathering takes place from August 17th to 18th. This will be our third visit in as many years and, we are looking forward to greeting old friends and meeting new ones. The old bass (now called Stella) gets a real workout, but it sure is fun.

While in Riverton, we will minister at several Southern Baptist churches in the area. These will be return visits and we are looking forward to the fellowship with the pastors and the folks in their congregations. Last Sunday, I had a chance to try out my new cowboy poem at Cambrian Heights Baptist Church in Calgary. It was well received and reinforced the need for Christians to reach out to the lost.

Suzann is progressing slowly and more feeling is returning to her right side. Folks have commented that she hasn't lost her sunny disposition. No doubt, her postive attitude will speed up her recovery. Thank you to everyone who prayed for her and we would ask that you continue to pray for her complete recovery.

The time we've been able to spend in Cochrane has been brief but enjoyable. Taking the time to rest between tours was absolutely necessary. But now, we are eager to get back on the road sharing our witness wherever the Lord opens the door.

On the trail,

Mike and Suzann Burns

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