Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Howdy folks!

In this day of new praise and worship music and video projectors, the old hymns are becoming an endangered species. But as we sing these new songs to the Lord, let's not forget the old ones. It's the sturdy old hymns of the faith that strengthen and steady us when we're weary and worn. They're the ones we sing when we face adversity and uncertainty or, when rising troubled in the night. Because many of these hymns are chock full of theology, they fill our souls with the timeless truthfulness and accuracy of the Scriptures. They enable us to pray and give us a pulpit for preaching to others. As we join our voices to sing these hymns composed by believers from every era and branch of Christendom, we connect with generations now gone in a united anthem of praise to the Lord.

Well, in the last week, we've had an opportunity to sing many of the old hymns and gospel songs. Since the Hymn Jams had outgrown our house, we moved to our local church. About thirty folks gathered in the Fellowship Hall of Cambrian Heights Baptist Church in Calgary, Alberta, last Friday night (Feb. 15th), to sing and fellowship in the old-fashioned way. Stories were told about favourite hymn and, as we sang. memories brought on a few tears. Amid the laughter and tears, we had a great time praising the Lord.

Then, on Sunday (Feb. 17), Suzann and I travelled to Evansburg, Alberta, for a cowboy gospel concert. A near capacity crowd of town folks, local ranchers and farmers and, even some cowboys, joined us at the Evansburg Baptist Church for a time of down-home singing, rhymes from the range and a no-frills gospel message. What a time we had in the Lord as we sang, the old hymns, laughed and remembered. Again, there were a lot of smiles and even a few tears, as folks joined in and sang the night away.

We look forward to each of these opportunities. No church is too small or isolated. Every door that opens is another chance to encourage God's people and win the lost to Christ.

On the trail for Him,

Mike and Suzann
Songs of Faith Ministries

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