Thursday, July 22, 2010


Howdy folks,

The trip from Cody to the Canadian border took two days. We fought a crosswind most of the way, which slowed us down. After few days in Regina visiting with friends, we drove to Moose Jaw for the services at Calvary Baptist Church. Pastor Butt had arranged the service so that we had time to present some special music and a cowboy poem. Folks in the church remembered us from our visit with Pat and Nadine Armstrong last spring. We enjoyed their fellowship and appreciated the opportunity to minister.

We arrived home late Monday night tired but thankful for the many blessings we received during the past six weeks. During the tour we conducted nine church services in addition to performing for two days at the Cowboy Entertainer Gathering in Townsend, MT. Our journey covered two states (Montana and Wyoming) and we drove 4,231 km (2,629 miles).

Since arriving back in Cochrane, we have unpacked the trailer and repaired the hail damage. For the next few weeks we will assess our tour and prayerfully consider where the Lord would have us go in the Fall. There are many small churches in Montana and Wyoming where our ministry would be well received.

While we will certainly enjoy our time at home, we will continue to seek the Lord’s will for our Fall tour. Your prayers on our behalf will be important to the success of our ministry.

On the trail for Him,

Mike and Suzann

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