Saturday, April 9, 2011


Howdy Folks,

Easter is a time of reflection, when Christians worldwide focus on the finished work of Jesus on the Cross. I can only imagine the Savior bearing the burden of our sins in His own body as He hung on the cross (1 Peter 2:24) or, the crowds passing by that blasphemed Him. But, on that fateful day that Jesus was crucified, there were people who ministered to Him, who helped Him when the entire world had turned against Him.

Do you remember the man called Simon of Cyrene who carried the cross for Him? I know he was forced to do it, but when he saw the blood stained figure of Jesus, don’t you think that some pity stirred in his heart? When Jesus fell beneath the load, Simon carried the cross for Him. Then there was the Roman soldier who moistened Jesus lips when He moaned; “I thirst.” Think of the day of the crucifixion: the heat, the noise, the dust, the pain and, the thirst. Here was an act of pity in the midst of hate.

There was also a small group of His dear ones and friends who stood near the cross. His mother, John, and other holy women who had followed Jesus from Galilee stood by while He was dying. Crucifixion was a very shameful thing. To see Jesus hung on a cross, naked, in the gaze of multitudes of people who passed by must have been hard to bear. Yet, there they stood at the foot of the Cross sharing His shame and ministering to Jesus as He died. And friend, do you ever think of the penitent thief? As he hung on a cross beside Jesus he confessed his sins and trusted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Even in His agony, Jesus demonstrated the power of the Cross. “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise (Luke 23:43).” Isn’t it amazing that the last kind words spoken to Jesus were by a thief?

So you see not everyone came to Calvary to abuse, deride, and assail Jesus. There were those whose undying distinction is that they ministered to Him by carrying the Cross, moistening His lips, sharing His shame and, proving the power of the Cross. Ask yourself what can I do and am I doing it? Friend, when you engage in Christ like service, if only a little, don’t be surprised at how God is able to use you.

The service of Jesus true pleasure affords,
In Him there is joy without an alloy;
‘Tis heaven to trust Him and rest on His words;
It pays to serve Jesus each day.

On the trail for Him,

Mike and Suzann

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